- Continuing Professional Development
CPD, Not the Dread but the Stamp for
Continuing Excellence and Professionalism
CPD - Table of Contents
CPD - Questions and Answers |
IFR Guide for Event Providers |
Download IFR CPD Log Sheet |
Download IFR CPD Handbook |
IFR CPD Courses Available |
Education and CPD |
What is CPD ?
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the process whereby Reflexologists take responsibility for their own further learning and development and apply it to improve their general practice in the interests of clients, the general public and the development of the profession. The term CPD is used to cover all relevant activity undertaken by qualified, professional practitioners of Reflexology to maintain, enhance and develop existing knowledge and skills following the completion of their professional practitioners’ qualification.
The IFR has developed a CPD scheme for its full members. It came into effect September 2006. All full members are required to undergo CPD. The scheme is very user friendly in design and purpose and the IFR will help their members throughout the process by providing guidance and support.
There is no need to worry as there is plenty of time to undertake CPD and it can take many forms in the advancement of learning.
Why is the IFR doing CPD ?
Our mission is Excellence in Training - Excellence in the Practice of Reflexology
All IFR Reflexologists have a part to play in achieving that excellence. The most successful practitioners and those who offer best practice to their clients are usually those who reflect on their practice and strive to continuously improve the service they provide to their clients, the public.
The government requires that all regulated professions have a CPD scheme in place.
Along with a number of other complementary therapies in the UK, Reflexology will be subject to voluntary regulation in the very near future. This is excellent news for maintaining good standards for the profession and the individual therapist.
It is expected that soon all the main complementary therapy and Reflexology organizations will have developed a CPD scheme. CPD helps to maintain Reflexology as a major therapy in what is a widening field of complementary therapies.
Reflexology is still seen as a young and developing profession in the western world and further development is needed to ensure that it maintains the respect of the public and health care professionals alike.
How did the IFR Design its CPD Scheme ?
The IFR spoke to a range of other organisations already undertaking CPD schemes including some aromatherapy bodies and with our IFR members and considered their views and suggestions in designing the final scheme for the IFR practitioner.
Through our research we are satisfied that the IFR scheme meets the needs of the IFR practitioner and the government requirement for CPD for regulated therapies.
The scheme was launched through our website and the ‘Stepping Out’ magazine, the journal of the IFR.
Key Features of the IFR CPD Scheme Include:
- Flexible to meet the individual needs of the practitioner
- Easy to understand
- Simple to do
- Provides recognition for many activities that most members already do
- It can be achieved wherever the Reflexologist lives and whatever their individual
resources allow
Who is Required to Undertake the IFR CPD Scheme ?
All full members of IFR are required to undertake CPD as a condition of membership.
This includes full registered members who are not currently practicing.
This includes full members who have transferred from other Reflexology organizations.
This includes full members who reside outside the UK.
What IFR Membership Category does not have to Undertake CPD ?
Student members are not required to do CPD because CPD is a requirement for qualified practitioners.
Associate members who are currently working towards reaching full membership status are not required to undertake CPD.
Friend members do not need to undergo CPD because this category of membership is aimed at people with an interest in Reflexology rather than Reflexology practitioners.
Why Should a Qualified Reflexologist do CPD ?
Many Reflexologists and other professional complementary therapists are, without consciously realising it, already actively involved in CPD.
The benefits of CPD are:
- By engaging in CPD Reflexologists can assess their own practice, and through
personal reflection can focus their energy effectively on areas for development
- Greater esteem for the profession in the eyes of the public with a likely increase in
client numbers
- Improve awareness of developments in the field of Reflexology
Improve professional relationships with Reflexologists and other professionals
- Gain a deeper or broader knowledge and understanding of the specific profession
- Experience and develop new approaches
- Gain further professional confidence, satisfaction and enthusiasm
- Greater esteem for the profession in the eyes of other healthcare professionals,
- leading to increased referrals
- Experienced members can gain much from supporting other members in a
number of ways.
When did the IFR CPD Scheme Start ?
The IFR CPD scheme came into effect from September 2006. As a concession to members IFR are also allowing all valid activities that took place from 1st March 2006 to count towards the points.
There is no immediate rush to undertake CPD. There are 3 years to complete your required number of points but if you check our calculations again there is almost four years to complete the first introduction to CPD point collection, however we do need to see continued professional development and would expect to see some points from each year. We would be unable to accept the full quota of CPD points collected in 2006 and nothing further.
Between September 2009 and March 2010 IFR will audit CPD points.
How and When Should CPD be Undertaken ?
The IFR is flexible about how and when CPD should take place.
Hopefully all full members continuously reflect on how their practice is going and on the quality of service they provide to their clients, which means that much informal CPD is done without most Reflexologists realising it.
Where Should CPD be Undertaken ?
This is flexible depending upon the location of the member’s practice and the type of CPD activity being carried out. The following is a sample list of ideas to demonstrate the IFR’s flexible approach:
- On the telephone, in emails or faxes, in communication with one or more senior colleagues and/or IFR Membership Education Support Team
- By post with one or more senior colleagues
- Clinical supervision
- In the place of practice
- In group settings, small informal meetings, area group meetings or large formal events
- Research on the internet
- At home, reading, writing
- Open Learning Study (preset distant learning courses)
- In educational establishments
What is Meant by ‘Professional Practice’ ?
IFR professional practice includes all of the following:
- Service to clients
- Application of the Reflexologist’s knowledge and skills in treating clients
- The care provided to the clients
- The accessibility of the Reflexologist to potential clients
- The specialisms in Reflexology that the practitioner has, i.e. advanced training in Pregnancy and Labour Reflexology, Infertility Reflexology, Spinal Reflexology and other similar specialisms.
- The professionals practice as a business or as an employee
- The reputation of the Reflexologist
- Your marketing and promotion
Who Decides what Counts as Relevant Learning or Development?
The only person who knows exactly what activity is relevant to the practitioner is the practitioner. This IFR places the responsibility for deciding what is relevant upon the individual IFR member.
The Reflexologist will need to be able to demonstrate to themself and to the IFR that the CPD activity would be of benefit to the continued practice of Reflexology.
Other Therapies Learning or development in any other therapy where the Reflexologist can demonstrate learning is relevant to their own practice. The Reflexologist should not interpret this as a carte blanche for all therapies to be included within the CPD programme. The Reflexologist must be able to demonstrate how the activity benefitted their Reflexology practice.
Anatomy & Physiology (A&P) and/or the Management of Conditions
It is accepted that all IFR members hold a professional qualification in A & P and have studied Pathology/Conditions. Any further learning which will enhance the understanding of A&P in relation to a therapist’s practice, including advanced learning activities and/or research into conditions and other areas directly relevant to practice would qualify as CPD.
Business skills
Any learning which will enable the Reflexologist to develop the business side of their practice, including marketing, bookkeeping, promotion, business planning and other similar areas. For example completing a basic computer course may be a useful CPD course, as this could give access to further reading and research.
Counselling Skills
Any aspect of learning which helps the Reflexologist to develop the therapeutic relationship side of the practice including courses in such elements as Counselling, Listening skills, Life Coaching, Mentoring, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Psychology and other similar areas.
Other Relevant Medical or Health Approaches
Any learning, including First Aid and any other aspect of medical practice or healthcare which the Reflexologist can demonstrate is relevant to their development as a Reflexology practitioner.
Relevant Reflexology CPD
This may involve mainstream Reflexology, a specialist area of Reflexology or advanced training in Reflexology.
Will Development in other Therapies Count for the Multi-Qualified and Practicing Therapist ?
Many IFR members are multi-therapists. If the member is able to demonstrate that an activity relating to another therapy is also relevant to their Reflexology practice then it should count. The IFR recognises that many skills and knowledge acquired are transferable between therapies or other health care professions.
IFR members who also belong to other organisations will carry out development activities to meet their CPD obligations for other organisations. The IFR flexible approach means that development activity in non-Reflexology activities may well count as CPD for the IFR and vice versa.
Has the Part Time Reflexologist been Considered in the CPD Scheme ?
Practitioners often think of CPD as solely attending courses and workshops but many activities have little or no cost and can be done locally or even at home in self study and/or in distance learning courses.
It’s not just attendance at courses and workshops. It’s doing any activity that the Reflexologist has determined will genuinely help maintain or improve their practice.
CPD can be very low cost and yet be very relevant.
Nursing -Will Nursing CPD Count ?
There is a great deal of professional development that nurses are required to undertake by their employers and their regulatory body, the Nursing and Midwifery Council, that would be relevant to Reflexology practice. However, it is for the individual practitioner to decide which development that they have undertaken for another profession contributes to their Reflexology practice. CPD activities for other professions could well apply to several categories of the IFR CPD scheme.
Health Care Professionals -Will the Health Professions Council (HPC) CPD Count ?
The Health Professions Council (HPC) regulates many health care professionals, such as physiotherapists, podiatrists and chiropodists. The CPD scheme that the HPC launched in 2006 for its registrants has a similarly flexible approach to the scheme used by the IFR. It is likely that some of the activities carried out by practitioners who are also regulated by HPC, would be relevant to Reflexology practice. However it is for the individual practitioner to decide which development that they have undertaken for another profession contributes to their Reflexology practice. CPD activities for other professions could apply to several categories of the IFR CPD scheme.
Do the Categories and values of other CPD Schemes Relate to that of the IFR ?
If you already do CPD for another similar organisation (e.g. another therapy or health related organisation) it is very likely that some or all of that activity will also count towards your IFR requirements. However, for your IFR CPD record you will need to work out the points that any activity earns using the IFR very simple points system.
Should the Reflexologist have any questions or doubts they can contact the IFR for support and guidance.
What points does the IFR Practitioner need to Accrue ?
The IFR scheme requires members to accrue an average of 20 points per year over 3 years, (but a little more time is allowed over this initial period).
Other organizations may have different CPD categories and different point values for their activities.
To meet the IFR CPD requirements members will need to ensure that they refer to the guidelines for the IFR CPD scheme and not those of another organisation.
If an IFR member undertakes CPD activities for membership of other organisations (e.g. aromatherapy) that activity may also count towards IFR CPD activities.
The IFR Reflexologist needs to be satisfied that the CPD contributes towards the development of their Reflexology practice.
Likewise, IFR development activities that the Reflexologist undertakes may well meet the CPD needs of other organisations.
Counting development activity CPD points that the Reflexologist is already doing for IFR Reflexology or for another organisation’s CPD scheme is a great way of accruing points without additional time or expense.
The IFR has agreed for members to accrue just 10 points for 2008 instead of the required 20 points. This is in line with the GRCCT requirement for this year.
GRCCT (in line with government requirement) the established Complementary Therapy Regulator.
Go back to Table of Contents
An IFR Guide for Event Providers
Applying for CPD Event Approval
This section is aimed largely at providers of CPD events. An event is defined for IFR CPD purposes as an organised activity such as a course, lecture, seminar, training day or workshop that is made available to participants by a training provider. The training provider may be an individual, a private school or centre or a college.
Why do Events have to be Approved by IFR ?
There are many good reasons to have the events that approved by IFR.
Benefits to providers of IFR approval for CPD Events: The IFR is respected throughout most of the world and in the UK Approved CPD events will attract kudos from IFR approval. As the largest Reflexology organisation in the UK and the world IFR approved CPD events will reach a large number of members. Approved events are noted on the IFR website. Significant numbers of non IFR member Reflexologists also visit the website in search of CPD opportunities.
Approved events can be advertised in ‘Stepping Out’, the IFR journal.
Providers can offer promotional rates to IFR members to increase uptake. CPD providers who are members of IFR can earn extra CPD points IFR members attending an IFR approved event can earn extra CPD points.
Definition of Approval
The IFR approved CPD event is where the training provider has received confirmation from the IFR that their specific event has been approved for CPD.
Each event title needs to be separately approved.
CPD events are approved initially for a period of three years (3 years).
Once approved, the event can be delivered for an indefinite number of occasions until approval expiry date.
There are charges for each event approval.
Event Approval
This is the approval of a particular event, for example a workshop on Spinal Reflexology run by a specific trainer.
The event will have a title, summary, learning objectives and assessment (when applicable). Event approval lasts for three years. The cost is a one off payment that covers approval for that three year period. Providers will be notified approximately six months prior to the end of approval period.
The provider may offer the IFR approved event on as many occasions or different locations as they wish.
IFR reserves the right to withdraw approval at any time if the provider breaches the terms of the Provider Agreement.
Limitations of Approval
- Each individual event must be approved separately.
- The approval of an event applies only to the named individual provider.
- Other providers of the same or similar event must apply separately.
- The approval applies only to the individual event listed.
- Approval of an event by the IFR confirms that the provider has agreed to organize and deliver the programme within specific criteria.
- Any changes to the event specification as approved, without the IFR’s written agreement will invalidate the approval of the event.
- Approval of an event by the IFR does not guarantee to the participant that the event is delivered to a specific standard.
Criteria for Approval
CPD events submitted for IFR approval need to demonstrate all of the following:
- An accurate title that reflects the aim/s
- Clearly stated aim/s
- Clearly stated pre-requisite qualifications or experience (when/where applicable)
- Clearly stated learning outcomes/objectives
- Clearly stated assessment procedures (when, if applicable)
- Signed agreement to fulfill IFR requirements for running an IFR approved CPD event
Applying for IFR Approval
Application forms are available on request by e-mail or by post.
Completed application forms can be returned by e-mail or post.
In the near future it will be possible to apply and pay on line on our secure website.
Scale of charges for IFR CPD Event Approval
Event Approval |
£ 130 |
Event Advertising |
No Charge |
These charges relate to all applications received by the IFR between the :
29th September 2007 and the 29th September 2009
This includes applications for events that occur after that date.
Application forms are available by contacting the IFR by e-mail or by post
Can the Reader have some Information on the Sort of Detail Requested on the Application Form ?
The following detail will be required:
- Besides personal details and relevant experience of the course provider, the application form seeks clarity on basic information in relation to the event being offered.
- The aim/s stated need to accurately convey the overall purpose of the activity. The learning outcomes should be written from the prospective of the participant. Copies of information e.g. handouts, lecture notes, and detail of skill offered.
- What the participant needs to bring to the event, i.e. towels, couch, wipes, disposable couch roll, writing paper, etc.
- What the participant needs to wear, i.e. track suit, loose clothing, warm clothing, flat shoes, etc.
- The mode of attendance needs to be clearly stated.
- Typical example of attendance:
Half Day, One Day, Two Days, One Weekend, Four Evenings, No Attendance (distant learning).
What Happens Following Submission of the Application ?
Once the application is received in the IFR office the applicant will receive a receipt either by e-mail or by post.
The application will be evaluated by our accreditation team to ensure that all approval criteria have been met.
If the IFR requires further information the applicant will be contacted.
Once the application has been approved and approval granted the applicant will receive an IFR certificate and notification to this effect.
What happens if the Application is Unsuccessful ?
The aim of the IFR is to help all applicants to meet the requirements for a successful application.
The IFR staff and experienced teachers will work with the applicant to help them achieve their goal/s. In processing the application the IFR assesses the information received against the approval criteria. This may include drawing on additional information in order to be satisfied that the application is appropriate and in the interest of the prospective participants.
If the application is unsuccessful the IFR will write to the applicant and provide the reasons for this.
The applicant may re-apply although the IFR reserves the right to refuse applications at any time, in which case the reasons for this will be provided.
No charge is made for application until approval is granted.
Participant’s Feedback on Quality of Events
As part of our audit and monitoring of participants satisfaction with IFR approved events, we may ask the approved event provider to issue IFR event evaluation feedback forms to participants. If this request is made to a provider it will be a condition of continuing approval that the forms are issued to participants and that they are encouraged to return the forms to the IFR.
Contact us about CPD
If as a prospective trainer/applicant, you have any queries about IFR’s CPD event scheme we would be happy to hear from you. In view of the number of queries received daily and our aim to deal with these most efficiently, if possible please make your enquiry by e-mail.
Contact Details
International Federation of Reflexologists (IFR)
8-9 Talbot Court
Go back to Table of Contents
IFR CPD - Downloadable Documents
IFR CPD Log Sheet |
The IFR CPD Handbook |
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and CPD
The I.F.R is aware of the challenges of teaching and learning reflexology
and firmly believes that the study of the subject would not be coherent
or logical without the underpinning knowledge of anatomy, physiology
and pathology. The I.F.R welcomes scientific expertise and funding
to allow research into the practice and outcomes of reflexology.
The I.F.R’s
training and assessment requirements are second to none in the UK
and the final examinations in the theory and practice of reflexology,
together with anatomy and physiology are conducted by the external
examination body: the International Examination Board (I.E.B).
IFR approved C.P.D Courses available in the UK include:
Palliative Care and Cancer Reflexology
Maternity Reflexology
Reflexology and Pain Relief
Research Methodology
Hand Reflexology
Spinal Reflexology
Reflexology for Senior Citizens
Reflexology and Treating Children (including the vulnerable child)
Reflexology and the Emotions
- Facial Reflexology
For further information about CPD courses contact: emma.walsh@intfedreflexologists.org
Or telephone 0870 879 3562 (select the option for Education & Training Dept)
The I.F.R stands firm about those therapists/practitioners who train
others in the subject of reflexology, believing that it is paramount
not only to hold a Department of Education Teacher Training qualification
but also evidence of a minimum of three years practical experience
and a minimum of one thousand treatments, prior to commencing teaching.
It is also the responsibility for those who either manage or take
responsibility for such courses should be qualified in reflexology
for at least five years and have evidence of their experience over
and above those who seek to learn.
To teach others
such a vast subject as reflexology just after qualification demonstrates
both an unjust and immoral attitude towards those who seek to learn.
The I.F.R is determined to uphold the standard of teaching and learning
and encourages all students to check the duration of the course
and the qualifications of those teaching and the number of treatments
they have undertaken, prior to commencing study. The public deserve
to be treated by therapists who have been trained by experienced